‘How Making Makes the Maker’ (2020)
A Living Archive. How making makes the maker. Visions for educating the future stewards of a ecologically sound environment' is a research project proposal, looking at how learning aspects of traditional crafts, for art and design purposes, strengthens the maker's bond with the material s/he's using. It proposes to study (and develop a repeatable method) how this may lead to a tacit awareness and empathy for the origin of those materials and thus, matters of sustainability.
Download How_Making_Makes_the_Maker_Eng.pdf *
A Living Archive. How making makes the maker. Visions for educating the future stewards of a ecologically sound environment' is a research project proposal, looking at how learning aspects of traditional crafts, for art and design purposes, strengthens the maker's bond with the material s/he's using. It proposes to study (and develop a repeatable method) how this may lead to a tacit awareness and empathy for the origin of those materials and thus, matters of sustainability.
Download How_Making_Makes_the_Maker_Eng.pdf *
‘Was das Machen aus dem Machenden macht’ (2020)
Das Lebende Archiv. Visionen zur Ausbildung von künftigen Wächtern einer nachhaltigen Umwelt. Dies ist eine Projektempfehlung, die aufzeigt, wie die Aneignung von diversen Handwerksfertigkeiten im Rahmen von Kunst und Design-Ausbildung den persönlichen Bezug zwischen dem kreativ Tätigen und dem Material stärkt. Das Projekt will erforschen--und im Zuge dessen eine nachvollziehbare Methode entwickeln--wie diese Verbindung zu einem impliziten Wissen führt, ein inneres Verständnis für die Herkunft von Materialien schafft und damit ein Verständnis für Nachhaltigkeit fördert.
Download How_Making_Makes_the_Maker_De.pdf *
Das Lebende Archiv. Visionen zur Ausbildung von künftigen Wächtern einer nachhaltigen Umwelt. Dies ist eine Projektempfehlung, die aufzeigt, wie die Aneignung von diversen Handwerksfertigkeiten im Rahmen von Kunst und Design-Ausbildung den persönlichen Bezug zwischen dem kreativ Tätigen und dem Material stärkt. Das Projekt will erforschen--und im Zuge dessen eine nachvollziehbare Methode entwickeln--wie diese Verbindung zu einem impliziten Wissen führt, ein inneres Verständnis für die Herkunft von Materialien schafft und damit ein Verständnis für Nachhaltigkeit fördert.
Download How_Making_Makes_the_Maker_De.pdf *
‘The value of natural capital – education through craft’ (2017)
A study of creative craft education for children within a natural environment
Download The_value_of_natural_capital–education_through_craft.pdf *
A study of creative craft education for children within a natural environment
Download The_value_of_natural_capital–education_through_craft.pdf *
‘The value of natural capital – education through the combining of digital media and work with natural materials’ (2015)
An art and craft based research proposal
Keywords: Education; natural environment; craftwork; digital media; natural materials
Download craft_and_natural_capital.pdf *
An art and craft based research proposal
Keywords: Education; natural environment; craftwork; digital media; natural materials
Download craft_and_natural_capital.pdf *
‘Reflecting on the experience of craft in the context of art and design’ (2014)
A lecture discussing how experiencing ‘design and technology‘ may increase awareness of one’s surroundings
Download reflecting_on_the_experience of_craft_in_the.pdf *
A lecture discussing how experiencing ‘design and technology‘ may increase awareness of one’s surroundings
Download reflecting_on_the_experience of_craft_in_the.pdf *
‘Investigating how working with natural materials can influence enthusiasm for the natural world’ (2012)
A paper which describes a method designed to gauge how stimulation from a represented form of nature could influence enthusiasm to visit the natural world. The reason for the study is to justify further research on a wider and larger scale and to investigate whether other activities (namely woodworking) could have similar effects.
Download enthusiasm_for_the_natural_world.pdf *
A paper which describes a method designed to gauge how stimulation from a represented form of nature could influence enthusiasm to visit the natural world. The reason for the study is to justify further research on a wider and larger scale and to investigate whether other activities (namely woodworking) could have similar effects.
Download enthusiasm_for_the_natural_world.pdf *
‘Developing the entrepreneurial spirit as a tool for teachers of art and design to gain confidence, leading to an increased ability to motivate’ (2011)
Discussing a method used to encourage students of design education to take risks in their individual design practice. The intention of this research is not simply to collect quantitative data, but rather to subjectively judge where these experiences lead students in terms of their career as a teacher.
Download Skone-Ragland_conference_paper.pdf *
Discussing a method used to encourage students of design education to take risks in their individual design practice. The intention of this research is not simply to collect quantitative data, but rather to subjectively judge where these experiences lead students in terms of their career as a teacher.
Download Skone-Ragland_conference_paper.pdf *
‘Craft and Design’ (2011)
Do the skills used to create an artefact of qualitative uniqueness and quality by hand, increase ability in aspects of design?
Download Craft_and_design.pdf *
‘Werken und Design’ (2011)
Können die handwerklichen Fähigkeiten zur Herstellung eines künstlerischen Produktes die Designqualität steigern?
Download Werken_und_design.pdf *
Do the skills used to create an artefact of qualitative uniqueness and quality by hand, increase ability in aspects of design?
Download Craft_and_design.pdf *
‘Werken und Design’ (2011)
Können die handwerklichen Fähigkeiten zur Herstellung eines künstlerischen Produktes die Designqualität steigern?
Download Werken_und_design.pdf *
‘Wood in Practice’ (2010)
Diese Information ist an StudentInnen gerichtet, die ihr erstes persönliches Projekt in der Holzwerkstatt beginnen. Es wird ein Überblick geboten, der den Ausfu¨hrenden helfen soll, ihre Ideen zu u¨berdenken und die Realisierbarkeit der Umsetzung zu u¨berpru¨fen, bevor sie sich endgu¨ltig fu¨r ein Projekt entscheiden.
Download Wood_in_Practice.pdf *
Diese Information ist an StudentInnen gerichtet, die ihr erstes persönliches Projekt in der Holzwerkstatt beginnen. Es wird ein Überblick geboten, der den Ausfu¨hrenden helfen soll, ihre Ideen zu u¨berdenken und die Realisierbarkeit der Umsetzung zu u¨berpru¨fen, bevor sie sich endgu¨ltig fu¨r ein Projekt entscheiden.
Download Wood_in_Practice.pdf *
‘Communicating Hand Skills’ (2009)
Exploring a link between the decline/learning of hand skills and a dis/connection of ‘self’ within nature
Download Communicating_hand_skills.pdf *
Exploring a link between the decline/learning of hand skills and a dis/connection of ‘self’ within nature
Download Communicating_hand_skills.pdf *
‘Über das (Er)lernen von handwerklichen Fähigkeiten’ (2009)
Deutsche Übersetzung des obigen Essays.
Download Ueber_das_Erlernen_von_handwerklichen_Faehigkeiten.pdf *
Deutsche Übersetzung des obigen Essays.
Download Ueber_das_Erlernen_von_handwerklichen_Faehigkeiten.pdf *
‘Emerging trends in sustainable design for office furniture’ (2008)
Discussing the governing and influencing factors with which industrial designers work.
Download Sustainable_furniture_design.pdf *
Discussing the governing and influencing factors with which industrial designers work.
Download Sustainable_furniture_design.pdf *
‘The Hidden Room’ (2004)
A short history of the ‘Privy’ from a design perspective.
Download The_hidden_room.pdf *
A short history of the ‘Privy’ from a design perspective.
Download The_hidden_room.pdf *
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